Neighbor 2 Neighbor

The Neighbor 2 Neighbor Initiative was born in late 2021 I was approached by 3 local families with a generous offer to stock the local food bank Helpline House with FRESH loaves of bread for 6 months.
2022 July/August We funded the last 6 months of 2022 with donations from 54 people
Honestly I had no idea how the gift would be received but learned the first donation was gone in less than 2 hours. Weekly my heart is filled when deliver fresh loaves of bread to our neighbors and knowing how much this gift has touched our neighbors is truly a blessing.
Here is a quote from our Helpline House Food Bank Manager
"Raquel's bread arrives at Helpline House still warm from the oven, nourishing not only our client's bodies but also their souls. Our clients love Raquel's bread;
they ask for it when they come in and try to arrange their shopping days to coincide with its delivery. It never stays long on our shelves. It is rare that we are able to provide our clients with such a high quality product - and they appreciate it tremendously."